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Pork rib roast

By October 30, 2016 , , ,

The traditional Sunday roast, what would every Irish and English household do without it? I remember when I first moved to the Netherlands I found it odd that many Butchers didn't do whole roasting joints, you had to ask specifically for them. Sunday roasts are not so common here. It's getting better these days as whole joints are becoming more popular.

I also like to roast with the cheaper and less well known cuts which are difficult to come by as many butchers will only stock the popular ones that will sell. What I also found out is that pork joints would have the skin and a lot of the fat removed which are the best bits in my opinion. So having learned the hard way I now make sure that no skin or fat has been removed and the joint is left whole or on the bone. If need be I will trim or butcher the cut to my liking.

If roasting meat I like to keep it simple as possible, if you have a good piece of meat, don't ruin it with heavy flavours. All you need is salt and pepper and maybe some herbs in the cooking pan with the joint. 

For this recipe I used a Mangalitza rib roast joint. The breed of pig has a high fat ratio and great marbling on the meat which adds to the flavour.

Cooking your roast
Simply season the joint with salt and pepper, ensuring to salt the skin well to produce a good crackling
Pork does not have to be well done but can be cooked to medium which ensures you have a succulent joint
 If roasting this joint on the BBQ I cook at 190c on indirect heat at 25 minutes per 450g or until it reaches a core temperature of 62 - 64C
If cooking with a joint with a lot of fat, do make sure you have a drip pan to catch the fat, it also keeps the plate setter from getting splattered
If cooking in the oven I would cook this at 180C fan oven and 190C normal oven, again use the core temp as a guide
As the joint cooks it will start to release fat, after about 15 mins of cooking I place the joint skin side down in the fat to crisp up the skin for about 10 mins
I then do the same for both ends of the meat on smaller joints (for about 5 mins each side) to brown the sides and add flavour, for bigger cuts of meat this may not be possible
Once the meat is cooked, place in a warm place to rest for about 15-20 mins before carving

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