Beetroot and horseradish genever Bloody Mary
Beetroot and horseradish are a natural pairing, the earthy beetroot flavours going nicely with the kick from the fresh horseradish. This recipe uses a horseradish infused genever as the base for the recipe. It can be made two ways; rapid infusion - using a siphon, or slow infusion - placing the horseradish in with the genever and allowing the horseradish in the genever to infuse naturally over a period of a month. Traditionally a bloody Mary is made with tomato juice, but as usual I like to mix things up (pardon the pun).
One thing to bear in mind with horseradish infused drinks is that the horseradish tends to get bitter over time so it is advisable to use the infusion up within a month or two of making it. If you want to avoid this then use a muslin cloth when straining the infusion to ensure there are is as little residue leftover as possible.
Rapid infusion method
2 inches fresh horseradish root peeled and sliced into strips
120ml jonge genever
1 siphon (I use the iSi gourmet whip, there are other brands out there)
1 nitrous charger
Place the genever in the siphon with the horseradish and charge using the nitrous gas
Shake well after charging
Discharge the gas slowly by pressing gently on the nozzle and releasing the gas slowly
Open the siphon and strain the genever into a small jug and place to one side for later use
Slow Infusion method
2 inches fresh horseradish root peeled and sliced into thin strips
120ml jonge genever
200ml glass bottle
Place all the ingredients in the bottle and shake well
Place the bottle in a dark cupboard for 3-4 weeks
Try and give the bottle a shake every day or so to help things along
For the Bloody Mary - this makes 1 serving
100ml fresh beetroot juice
60ml horseradish genever
5 dashes worcestershire sauce
3 dashes chipotle tabasco
1g freshly ground pepper
Juice half a lemon
1g celery salt
30ml tomato juice
Place all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and fill half way with ice, shake for 15 seconds and then strain into a tumbler glass with ice and a lemon slice garnish